Several people sent me a link to this obituary. Joe Rollino, aka The Great Joe Rollino, died on Monday after being struck by a minivan.
Joe Rollino was still going strong, healthy and active, at age 104. He was born in 1905, and would still be alive today if not for a traffic accident.
The Great Joe Rollino, Bender of Steel, Is Dead at 104 - At a Mighty 104, Gone While Still Going Strong
His lifts include a number of numbers that befit a Coney Island strongman - lifting 475 pounds with his teeth, back lifting 3200 pounds, lifting 635 pounds with one finger. Not the usual back squat and deadlift records, this is old-timey stuff.
I'll admit I knew little of Joe Rollino before reading his obit. But it's inspiring to me as an older lifter. He stayed hale for decades and never stopped being active. It's a testament to the effects of healthy living and hard lifting.
1 day ago
I'm guessing that either the year of birth or the age is incorrect! I'm hoping that the date is correct, and that Joe was really 144.
ReplyDeleteD'oh! Fixed. He was born in 1905. Curse my math skills.