All the book reviews, listed alphabetically by author:
Barber, Tiki Barber and Carini, Joe with Hays, Scott. Tiki Barber's Pure Hard Workout: Stop Wasting Time and Start Building Real Strength and Muscle (Rating 4 content, 4 presentation)
Basedow, John. Fitness Made Simple (Rating 2 content, 4 presentation)
Berardi, John. The Metabolism Advantage
Berardi, John, and Fry, Michael. Grappler's Guide to Sports Nutrition. (Rating 4 content, 4 presentation)
Bradley, Lloyd. The Rough Guide to Men's Health. (Rating 3 content, 4 presentation)
Brookfield, John. Mastery of Hand Strength (1st edition)
Cerqua, Pete. The 90 second Fitness Solution. (Rating 3 content, 4 presentation)
Cosgrove, Rachel. The Female Body Breakthrough
Cressey, Eric with Fitzgerald, Matt. Maximum Strength: Get Your Strongest Body in 16 Weeks with the Ultimate Weight-Training Program
Delavier, Frederic. Strength Training Anatomy
Fahey, Thomas. Book Review: Basic Weight Training for Men and Women (Rating 4 content, 3 presentation)
Ferruggia, Jason. Fit to Fight: An Insanely Effective Strength and Conditioning Program for the Ultimate MMA Warrior
Fleck, Steven J. and Kraemer, William J. Optimizing Strength Training (Rating 5 content, 4 presentation)
Gaede, Katrina, Lachica, Alan, and Werner, Doug. Fitness Training for Girls
Garfield, Charles A. and Bennet, Hal Zina Book Review: Peak Performance (Rating 4 content, 4 presentation)
Green, Nate. Built for Show: Four Body-Changing Workouts for Building Muscle, Losing Fat, and Looking Good Enough to Hook Up
Groves, Barney. Powerlifting
Hartmann, J. and Tunnemann, H. Book Review: Fitness and Strength Training for All Sports (Rating 4 content, 5 presentation)
Incledon, Lori. Strength Training For Women
John, Dan. From the Ground Up!!!
Kennedy, Robert. Encylopedia of Bodybuilding
Leamont, Steve. Muscles in Minutes: The Positive Power of Negative Training
Little, John. The Art of Expression the Human Body (Bruce Lee Library) (Rating Content 4, Presentation 5)
Little, John. Max Contraction Training : The Scientifically Proven Program for Building Muscle Mass in Minimum Time
McRobert, Stuart. Beyond Brawn
Mejia, Michael. Men's Health Better Body Blueprint: The Start-Right, Stick-to-It Strength Training Plan
Mejia, Michael. Men's Health Gym Bible
Mejia, Michael, and Berardi, John. Scrawny to Brawny
Murphy, Myatt. Men's Health The Body You Want In The Time You Have
Pearl, Bill. Getting Stronger (Rating 5 Content, 4 Presentation)
Phillips, Bill, and D'Orso, Michael. Body For Life
Pollan, Michael. Food Rules. (Rating content 5, presentation 5)
Porter, David. The Official Gold's Gym Beginner's Guide to Fitness
Rippetoe, Mark and Kilgore, Lon. Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 2nd edition
Rivera, Hugo and Villepigue, James. The Body Sculpting Bible Express - Men's Edition
Rooney, Martin. Training For Warriors (Rating 5 content, 5 presentation)
Schuler, Lou and Cosgrove, Alwyn. The New Rules of Lifting: Six Basic Moves for Maximum Muscle
Schuler, Lou with Forsythe, Cassandra, and Cosgrove, Alwyn. The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess
Shryer, Donna. Book Review: Peak Performance - Sports Nutrition
Skup, Ted. Death, Taxes, & Push-ups (Rating Content 2, Presentation 2)
Smith, Chip. Football Training like the Pros
Staley, Charles. Muscle Logic: Escalating Density Training
Stallone, Sylvester. Sly Moves : My Proven Program to Lose Weight, Build Strength, Gain Will Power, and Live your Dream
Strossen, Randall J. IronMind: Stronger Minds, Stronger Bodies (Rating 3 content, 4 presentation)
Tsatsouline, Pavel. Enter the Kettlebell
Tsatsouline, Pavel. Power to the People! : Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American
U.S. Navy (ed). The U.S. Navy SEAL Guide to Fitness and Nutrition
Vella, Mark. Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training
Verstegen, Mark and Williams, Pete. The Core Performance: The Revolutionary Workout Program to Transform Your Body & Your Life
Vindum, Tina. Tina Vindum's Outdoor Fitness
Weiss, Adam. The BackSmart Fitness Plan.
Wendler, Jim. 5/3/1
Zehr, E. Paul. Becoming Batman
Zinczenko, David with Spiker, Ted. The Abs Diet: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life
Zinczenko, David with Spiker, Ted. The Abs Diet Get Fit Stay Fit Plan: The Exercise Program to Flatten Your Belly, Reshape Your Body, and Give You Abs for Life!
This list will be updated as new reviews are added.
1 day ago
It would be greater if you could write your rating for every book in the list
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. I've just started doing that, and as I have time I'll go back through them all and list them out. Perhaps highlight the 5/5s and 4/5s.